While You’re Waiting . . . Get Involved

Don’t sit around being sad that WordCamp Atlanta is over. We invite you to join us at our local WordPress Meetups where you can get involved in our community and have a bit of that WordCamp goodness all year round.

In 2011, Russell Fair and I were asked by WordPress Foundation to organize WordCamp Atlanta. We were targeted, I mean chosen, because we were both active in our local WordPress community hosting Meetup Groups.

WordCamp Atlanta Organizers

At first we thought, “No way.  We’re way too busy.”   But, after losing our minds we stepped up and took it on.

You can read more about my experience Organizing WordCamp Atlanta  in a post I wrote recently. There is a lot of magic in stepping up and getting involved in the WordPress Community. I’m very glad I did.


Over the last four years, I’ve had a lot of fun, made great friends, learned a lot and have had some big adventures all because I said yes.

If you get yourself to some WordPress Meetups around town, you’ll learn some things you didn’t know, and perhaps end up having a few of your own adventures. Here is a post with more info about the Atlanta Area WordPress Meetups.

What are you waiting for?